
Where to Stay in Manila, Philippines

Manila, the principal city of the Philippines, heart, and soul. It Anchors the rhythm of life in this archipelago. With pulsating hub that mixes the Oriental with the Occidental. Manila the old-fashioned with the modern, the ordinary with the exceptional.

Manila went out of the ashes of a once-thriving Malay settlement by the shores of the Pasig River. In 1571, Miguel Lopez de Legazpi set the Ever Loyal City of Manila.

Until 1898, it was the center of the Spanish colonial government in Asia. He made the city within walls and declared it Intramuros. An anchor visitor destination. Manila city is the heart of the 7,000 islands that make up the country Philippines. It is central to the entertainment industry and performing arts in Asia.

This country is an easy travel destination by Southeast Asian standards. Speaking in Tagalog and English is the common language, or (Taglish). The Philippines has an endearing don’t-worry-be-happy vibe, soothing for first-time visitors. Volatile weather and natural disasters can mess up trips in a hurry. The number of 7000 plus islands creates itinerary headaches even the seasoned travel planners.

Increase your chances of a smooth trip by avoiding the rainy season.

A common confusion of the Philippines is the entire country in the same weather condition. The country has four distinct climate zones. Inquire the regional forecasts and decide the destination. The capital, Manila, has a harsh wet season (peaking July to September).

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